There are two modes you can run the calendar applet in: minimized and expanded. Minimized takes up less real estate and is how I normally use it. The different modes are simply set by setting the param "minimized" to true or false, respectively.

For usage, view one of the sample pages and "view source". There are comments on how to use the calendar in there. If you have any questions you can post to the forum. Enjoy!

Minimized sample

Expanded sample



The JCalendar can also be embeded in a Java Swing application using the code below:
	GregorianCalendar mainCalendar = new GregorianCalendar();
	JCalendar jcalendar = new JCalendar(new JCalendarModel(mainCalendar), JMonthChooser.LEFT_SPINNER);
	//now you have a calendar object you can put in a panel like any other component.
	// If you keep a reference of the GregorianCalendar you made you will be able to always get the date the
	// user has selected
	//to know when a user has changed the date, you can register a DateChangedListener with the model
	DateChangedListener myDateChangedListener = new DateChangedListener() {
		public void dateChanged(EventObject o) {
			Date date = mainCalendar.getTime();
			//do something important			
	//Now your listener will be notified when a user selects a date. 


Link to download and source